I have a strange issue where Signal RGB can control all my devices perfectly except…
I have 6 Lian Li TL fans using the UNI Fan hub V2 TL-series.
L-Connect software lights up all 6 fans no problem.
When I click the the MB Light Sync button in L-connect, Signal RGB is only lighting up 2 and 2/3’s of the fans. Literally only 1/3 of the top fan on both stacks of fans remains unlit and dark.
I have tried to increase the number of fans in L-connect and I can’t override the auto detection. I know the fans work fine bc L-connect can light them all up. I just can’t figure out if it’s a Signal RGB issue or an L-connect software issue. Or a controller issue… or what?
Any guidance at all to get Signal to control the fans would be amazing…