Support for Razer Blackwidow 75%

@Goat any new progress?

No. I don’t know what else to do. The file is where it’s supposed to be. Why aren’t there any other files, like Embers or Nebula in that folder?

did you disable Synapse and restart Windows?

I did that. You didn’t answer my question. Why aren’t there any other similar files in that folder?

I don’t know I’m not a dev lol. That folder is for user plugins. I have no idea what “Embers” or “Nebula” is.

@HarDBR the plugin doesn’t work yet. Any more input I can give you?

Ok. No worries. Let them know I Appreciate what they do. :+1:
If I can help in any way please let me know. :smiley:

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btw this keeb has a daughter board, don’t know if that may be relevant

Hey guys, I have no update yet. When I have something I’ll make sure to post it here also.

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Sounds good. I’m eagerly waiting :smiley:

thank you @HarDBR ! as i said if you need any more input from me i’d be happy to provide.

Hey guys, we gonna need some USB captures, can you guys please follow the guide below:

1- Install Wireshark and the USBPcap module
2- Start capturing your USB
3- Open the manufacturer’s software
4- Select the mode to change the device zones to a single color and the color we want is Light Blue: #2FACED
5- Optionally set a single zone or key to one of those colors while the rest is black
6- Close the manufacturer’s software
7- Stop the capture on Wireshark and save the capture
8- Attach the capture file along with the device info: Razer Blackwidow V4 75% USB Captures (#336) · Issues · SignalRgb / Signal Plugins · GitLab

Razer_Blackwidow_V4_75_Keyboard.js (5.9 KB)

Hey guys, got some capture from a user, could you guys try this?
Place the file on Plugins folder: and restart SignalRGB

@HarDBR some keys now light up in random colors, many keys still dark. tried painting all LEDs one color, still showing random colors or dark:


[01:05:22]: Force Reloading Plugin: Plugin: Razer_Blackwidow_V4_75_Keyboard.js
[01:05:22]: Set size for device to: [25,13]
[01:05:22]: Loading Image...
[01:05:22]: Loading Image via Url Export function...
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 2, endpoint.usage: 0x0002, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0000
[01:05:22]: [OPEN] endpoint.interface: 3, endpoint.usage: 0x0000, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0000
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 0, endpoint.usage: 0x0006, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0000
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 1, endpoint.usage: 0x0001, endpoint.usage_page: 0x000c, endpoint.collection: 0x0002
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 1, endpoint.usage: 0x0080, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0003
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 1, endpoint.usage: 0x0000, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0004
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: -1, endpoint.usage: 0x0001, endpoint.usage_page: 0x000c, endpoint.collection: 0x0003
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 1, endpoint.usage: 0x0000, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0005
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: 1, endpoint.usage: 0x0006, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0001
[01:05:22]: [IGNORE] endpoint.interface: -1, endpoint.usage: 0x0080, endpoint.usage_page: 0x0001, endpoint.collection: 0x0003
[01:05:22]: Created Leds: 109
[01:05:22]: Loaded Led color overrides, count: 0

I put the file in that plugin folder and it does nothing. Is there something else I’m supposed to do?

Ok, now its doing the same thing as it is to DaDOBaag’s keyboard…

Razer_Blackwidow_V4_75_Keyboard.js (5.9 KB)

New file cooked, can you guys try this?

Yes sir, when I get home about 3am :wink:

Its the same as the last file, but it lights up a little more of the board. The signal app doesn’t detect the keyboard correctly. I’ll see if I can send you a video.

Which keys isn’t lightning up?