Wiz leds support

Just that, to be able to control Wiz light (stripe in my case :smile: ) from signal.

Hello there, I am new to the Signal RGB App and I love it.
Your support of all kinds of Lightbulbs surprised me in the most positive way!!!

Unfortunately (for me) I also use WIZ Lights.
So Upvote for WIZ implementation :+1:t2:

I found a Github Plugin and it works.

  1. Add the link in the plugin section.
  2. Wait to find all of your lights. If doesnt appear turn them on.
  3. In every bulb setting, press “Automatically StartStream” .

I recommend identifying all the bulbs and change de name to know which one is.

GitHub - GreenSky-Productions/SignalRGB-WIZ-Network-Plugin: This plugin for SignalRGB, adds a new Interface for WIZ-Lamps.