I don’t know if this is discussed in this forum before, at least I can’t find a Topic related to linux.
If I’m really the first one to mention this here, the I think I speak for many Linux users.
There are many people out there, that want Signal RGB as a native Linux App and many, including myself, would pay a monthly subscription for the great features of Signal RGB.
I think, with the ending Win 10 support this year many gamers, as myself, want to try linux and many will stick to a linux distro of their choice.
I myself use Garuda Linux and stuggle hard to get my stuff working with another app you surely know of.
So please listen the already growing community and everyone who wants to join on an linux machine and give us native linux support.
Please, this would be awesome! one of the only complaints I have with linux atm. Would love to be able to natively select colors and add a gif to my aio without having to dual boot into windows.
As I understand, even though its JS all over the place, there is quite a bit of work on the low level, hw integrations and such. And linux still is niche, and all. Even with cool stuff like SteamOS, Bazzite. And Steamdeck does not even have RGB, sadly. It makes little sense on the business side of things to invest so much to make it happen. Our only hope is the on the hacking spirit of Developers who actually make it happen. I sure do hope as a paying customer. Having to use OpenRGB sucks. My linux setup feels incomplete without Signal