Support for EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW

This devices uses EVGA LED Sync to control it’s onboard RGB lights.

Send your GPU Product ID:

EVGA_Turing_GPU.js (14.4 KB)
We have never supported a 1x series before, lets see if this works

Place the file on Plugins folder: and restart SignalRGB

No dice yet. Signal recognizes the device but can’t control it. This is what the console keeps spitting out:

Info - Log: Found Device in Invalid Mode! [off]. Setting back to Static...
Info - Log: Setting Lighting Mode: [static]
Info - Log: Found Device in Invalid Mode! [off]. Setting back to Static...

I bet this uses a different protocol then, you will need to gather some captures to us.

Reach out to our Plugin Discord server at SignalRGB Plugin Test Server , get your EVGA role and check the #how-to-gpu-captures channel.

I’m not allowed to upload files because I’m a new user, but I uploaded the files here!

It does seems like Turing protocol. but could you try capturing again and use the “2FACED” color ?

I uploaded them to the same place and put them in a folder named 2FACED :slight_smile:

EVGA_Pascal_GPU.js (6.8 KB)
Lets see if this works :eyes:

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IT TOTALLY WORKS :smiley: Thank you so much! I’m one step closer to having the entire inside of case actually work together

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