SRGBmods LED Controller v2 (enthusiast / advanced DIY lighting controller)

Dear DIY enthusiasts,

I am proud to present the latest addition to the family of SRGBmods projects to make your life easier and more shiny and blinky: The SRGBmods LED Controller v2 is here!

Ever since SignalRGB added the ability to track a device’s frame rate, we were shocked about how bad
the Pico LC is performing in reality due to its very limiting USB 1.1 PHY.
Even though the Pico is still being worked on and several compression methods are being tested to
transfer more data within the actual limits, we thought that it’s time to come up with something
way faster, so the idea of a new and much faster controller was born.

The SRGBmods LED Controller v2 is a DIY (do it yourself) ARGB controller exclusively designed to be used with SignalRGB!

  • Its base is an extremely powerful PJRC Teensy 4.X micro-controller sporting an ARM Cortex-M7 and a USB 2.0 PHY that makes it possible to drive up to 4056 leds at high frame rates.

  • A massive amount of 23 pins on Teensy 4.0 or even 41 pins on Teennsy 4.1 can be used to connect your devices to it!

Further details:

Details about Hardware Lighting

Status LED and Hardware Lighting can be configured on-the-fly directly in the device options in SignalRGB!
A word of warning: EEPROM has a limited write cycle count per address, DO NOT constantly change the Hardware Lighting settings!

Table of LED counts and corresponding expected frame rates
LED count ~FPS
1 33
338 33
676 32
1014 31
1352 30
1690 29
2048 28
2366 28
2704 27
3042 27
3380 26
3718 25
4056 24

The firmware generator and instructions to compile the generated firmware can be found here:



Updated to 1.1.0!

SignalRGB plugin changes:

  • changed per component to per channel data transfer (by popular demand, so splitting devices into more than Component is possible)
  • fixed “forced” mode not working

This is a plugin and firmware generator update ONLY, if you already downloaded Release 1.0.0, you can just grab the latest Plugin and generate a new firmware!

Updated to v1.2.0!


This is a plugin and firmware generator update ONLY, if you already downloaded Release 1.X.X, you can just grab the latest Plugin and generate a new firmware !

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