Skillkorp keyboards

Hi there !
I recently bought a Skillkorp keyboard (the K5 exactly from Boulanger brand and Asus manufacturer) but I’m so sad that signalRGB doesn’t support it.
In fact it is detected but not controllable. Would it be possible to include it in your future features?

Thanks in advance :smiley:

Looks like this brand is using the same ID from another device, can you let me know how is recognized?

Yes of course, here is the ID : GMMK 2 96% ANSI QMK Keyboard

Oh, that’s bad :laughing:

They are using the same ID from GMMK2, unfortunately, I didn’t found a firmware for your model, you may want to check with the QMK guys at our Plugin server: SignalRGB Plugin Test Server

Hi !
Thanks for replying so fast !

The software used to control RGB for this keyboard is available here :
You just have to click on the “skillkorp” tab and then select “Micro et multimédia” and “clavier k5”

I don’t know if it would help in naything but maybe so …

In any case I will contact QMK team as you said.
Thanks !