SignalRGB with ESP32 10 independent ARGB outputs Controller

Hello team!

Don’t you find expensive the razer chroma? i absolutely find it expensive for only 6 outputs so I will build my own one and share it with all of you.

Since I found this reddit where someone build his own ARGB controller with some ESP32 device I found interesting the idea of do the same but better.

In the exposed case is just the ESP32 with power supply and all the argb heads connected to the fans and led strips but if you are like me you would prefeer to conect this device to the internal USB and manage from signal ARGB all the outputs independently.

So Asking GPT I found a way where this can be possible using the “DIY device” and on the ESP32 side using FastLED library (you can use whatever).

I just have to find out how to bypass the webserver and write the memory location where this program reads the argb data.

maybe the hard part will be the kind of communication i want to establish between ESP32 and PC but solving this part it would be fine.

I will update all the steps i do so stay tuned, if you have the willing to participate we can make a discord or else to communicate.

Thanks all of you for reading and supporting my bad quality english!

PD: I have in my house all the materials needed and the knowledge to do the diagrams, the programming and weld this stuff.

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So I found some libraries to manage the windows communication with ESP32 ( TinyUSB and USB Host Library)

I will check them out so in next update i’ll tell you what I got.

Late to reply here, but have you considered simply using ESP32 + WLED via wifi? Lots of our users go that route, works well.

Having a direct USB cable would be doable maybe, depending on the esp32 you use.

Anyhow, if you make progress feel free to share. :slight_smile:

Oh Man!

Didn’t know about that! Wll in fact i knew about wifi but didn’t had the idea to just communicate the signal RGB via wifi.

I have one model of ESP32 that has wifi, i’ll tell you about the PCB circuit when I have it done, i was trying to configure but it is being hard af.

Thanks mate!

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