Good Day. SignalRGB started crashing and fails to load. I uninstalled, reinstalled multiple times, even removing refrences in the registry, with no avail.

It would try to load, crash, and leave an icon in the syustem tray for each attempt. (See screen shot)

I spent an hour backing up changed files on my system since my last backup, and restored my system from a week old backup.

SignalRGB startred working perfectly… for an hour! Digging into installed programs, I saw an hour after restored my system, SignalRGB downloaded and installed an update, thus again breaking the software.

I have been unable to find an older version anywhere on the Internet. If I could, I do not see how that would help, as there is no way to stop the automatic updates, as they are FORCED.

I have no way of turning on logging, as the software fails to load.

System: i9-13900k, MSI Pro Z790P Wifi, 64Gigs Ram, GeForce 4060 ti, Windows 11 Up to date as of 06-07-24

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@JohnWPB please, send an email to attaching a screenshot from your device info (found here) and the most recent log that is at least 5KB, no matterits version (found here), thank you.

Good day! The “Found Here” links in your above post are blank. Clicking them does nothing, Ctrl^Clicking them to open in a new tab does nothing, and it is not a link so right-clicking and choosing “Copy link location” and not available in the context menu.

I tried in Firefox, Chrome and even Edge just to ensure it was not some html compatibility. When you say “device info”, what are you referring to? The motherboard, USB controller ect? I will reinstall SRGB, and hope it makes a log file, as it fails to load over and over and over till I endtask it.

I am a computer tech, and Microsoft A+ certified. I have been building and programming computers for around 30 years… Just sayin’ I am no “newbee” and have tried pretty much everything. I can restore my PC to a previous point in time, but within an hour or so Signal updates itself in the background with no warniung or confirmation, and on the enxt boot after that no longer works.

@JohnWPB actually, zip the log folder and send it to our email

LOG PATH LOCATION: %localAppData%\WhirlwindFX\SignalRgb\Logs

May I ask you: have you tried switchig to Beta or from Beta to see if still occurs? Have a nice day! Thank you!

I reinstalled SRGB and tried to run a few times. I zipped up log file and sent it to the support address from your previous message.

As for the beta, I can see nowhere to download anything but the current version.

Searching this site for beta only brings up beta update logs, and no link to any files. Clicking on download anywhere on the site, does a page refresh that just autodownloads the current version.

None of the links at the bottom of the page (I tried all of them) link to any mention of testing or being able to download a beta version, or any other previous stable version.

Is there a way you could give me a link to a beta version, or even stable version prior to the end of May update? Also a way to keep it from auto updating in the background, which happens each time I system restore my system to a backup. It works for an hour, then auto updates and will no longer work. I can’t just block SRGB on my firewall, tyhen the software will not work as it is all web based, and not local. That is kind of frustrating actually, that you can not change the preset of of LED layouts if the Internet is not connected.

As of right now the process I just did:
Uninstalled Signal RGB, removed the 100+ References of SignalRGB left in the registry after the installer supposedly uninstalled everything,. Rebooted. Downloaded and installed SRGB, it shows the splash screen, I give it firewall access when the screen asks, I get a creating core… screen and it then crashes. After this initial crash, when I try to run it, I again get the loading core screen, then I get a centered blank white and screen that should be the application, it then disappears and the tray icon appears. Mousing over the SRGB icon in the tray , the icon disappears .

If there is anything else I can do to help troubleshoot this, please let me know.

Thanks for your help thus far, and I will get the log files off to the above email address.

In this screen shot you can see my system speifications, as well as the collection of SRGB icons in the system tray where SRGB keeps trying over and over to load itself. Also the black and white screen in the center, where the sotware main would normally would be, appears for less than a second each time it tries to reload.

I just looked at the logs myself while I was zipping them up. I see the very last lines have to do with a window position recall and then setting.

06/13/24 21:11:56.651 [20712-] SignalRGB.root.INFO - Window - Recalling Previous Window Position…
06/13/24 21:11:56.651 [20712-] SignalRGB.root.WARNING - Window - Setting Default Window Geometry!

Could this be a problem with the window position saved by the previous version, and not recalling for some reason correctly when the updated version starts?

I am using an Acer 37.5" UltraWide QHD monitor at 3840 x 1600 with 250% upscaling.

Anything? Did you receive the email a week ago with the log files? Is there a way to download an older version as mentioned above as well as in the emails?

Hey @JohnWPB

We have identified you have Windows Blinds running in the background, this app crashes Signal, looks like it changes some Windows DLLs that Signal uses, add Signal as a exclusion in the app and it should work fine:

This is obviosally a bug introduced in the May SRGB release. SRGB worked perfectly for the past year with WindowBlinds running.

As mentioned, if I roll back my system to before the May update, SRGB works perfectly until it auto updates.

I have been using Window Blinds on all of my PC’s for the past 15 yerars. I have never once had a program refuyse to run or crash because of it.

Not being rude here, but It appears to be a problem with SRGB, recently introduced at that, and not Stardocks Window Blinds.

I just added SRGB to the exclusion list, and Installed SRGB… Same thing, SRGB installing screen, ask for firewall permnission, loading core, icon appears in the tray thats it.

When mousing over the tray icon, it dissappears, as it has crashed.

Can somneone PLEASE link me to a previous (Before May) versionmm of SRGB so I can turn the LED’s in my system off! I have asked in email, and 3-4 times in this thread. Please…

Lots to unpack, here.

Did you add both exclusions? The image above excludes the launcher, but not srgb itself. (SignalRgb.exe)

Keep in mind that we are constantly updating internal frameworks and libraries, and so it’s not uncommon for dependency updates to cause issues this.

Second, beta links are always here:

I’ll dive a bit deeper into this. Do you know what version of SignalRGB “works before it updates”?

PS: I haven’t seen windowblinds for 20 years, throwback.

It’s aliiiive:

Looks like WB intercepts native geometry events, and nullifies a result field that we use when serializing window state. This is fixed in beta 2.3.107 which should go out sometime this afternoon.

Appreciate the report, sorry for the latency, I’ll have CSR send you some goodies.

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