Set up Led´s Painted in the Led Painting Screen as a Seperate Device


So recently I set up a Goove RGBIC Pro Strip all around me basicly on all 4 walls of my room. Since its a singular 10m strip Signal only recocnizes it as One big Strip meaning all efect treat it as a Straight without the corners and stuff.

I saw that in the Led Painting screen i could mark different sections/Led´s"of said strip. And was Wondering if there is a way to turn each or little groups of those into extra Nodes for the Layout canvas.

Thanks for any Awnser.
I Hope u understand what im Askin about.


Same for me, i have a MB backplate with 35 leds (16 on the RAM side, 13 on the USB headers side and 6 on the PCI side) but it’s detected as a single strip so the effects are not very good. I don’t think there is a way to make corners but it would be usefull.

Theoreticly it might be possible to do it urself by writing ur on plugin for that and Forcing the Correct LED Locations via the Plugin it self.
But that would mean. Incase of a an LEDstripe for example that if u ever change its position or layout u also have to do it in the signalrgb plugin. So yea waiting time i guess.

Hi, @IvorAmlug

You can edit your Govee plugin and create subdevices which represent each one of your strips, you can use this template, change to your SKU and adjust the subdevices on a X,Y matrices position:

	H6056: {
		productName: "Flow Plus Light Bar",
		imageUrl: "",
		sku: "H6056",
		state: 1,
		supportRazer: true,
		supportFeast: true,
		ledCount: 0,
		usesSubDevices: true,
		subdevices: [
				name: "Flow Plus Light Bar",
				ledCount: 8,
				size: [1, 8],
				ledNames: ["Led 1", "Led 2", "Led 3", "Led 4", "Led 5", "Led 6", "Led 7", "Led 8"],
				ledPositions: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6], [0, 7]],
				name: "Flow Plus Light Bar",
				ledCount: 8,
				size: [1, 8],
				ledNames: ["Led 1", "Led 2", "Led 3", "Led 4", "Led 5", "Led 6", "Led 7", "Led 8"],
				ledPositions: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6], [0, 7]],

Okay so its been a while.
Mainly forgor.
Just a quick question before i give it another try: will i have to disable the addon for govee or how does this work. Since at least in theory wouldnt Singal load both the Plugin in my Folder and the One from the addon? Or do i edit the addon direclty? if so where are addon files stored?

Your custom plugin from Documents should override others, the order is: Built-in → Addons → Documents

I’ll be working on add a component system to this, I would like if we could be in touch so you will be my tester, send me a DM with your Discord ID