RAM Patriot Viper Steel RGB is not detected by SygnalRGB

I have set of RAM Patriot Viper Steel. And SygnalRGB cannot detect it. Tried run as administrator and restart PC, turned off all other RGB soft.

From logs:
05/01/24 22:47:30.836 [9144-] SignalRGB.root.INFO - Found Physical Memory with
Clock Speed: 3600Mhz,
Manufacturer: Unknown,
Serial Number: 01190541,
Model: NULL,
PartNumber: 3600 C20 Series,
Capacity: 16,00 GiB
05/01/24 22:47:30.836 [9144-] SignalRGB.root.INFO - Found Physical Memory with
Clock Speed: 3600Mhz,
Manufacturer: Unknown,
Serial Number: 01190539,
Model: NULL,
PartNumber: 3600 C20 Series,
Capacity: 16,00 GiB

hi @Vladimir, this is a known issue, the team is working to fix, keep SignalRGB updated, have a nice day.