Macro to disable devices

Hi! Sometimes I need to disable devices such as my Phillips Hue bulb so that I can turn on my whites apart from Signal RGB. I would like a macro to disable any devices I have connected and also a macro to re-enable them.

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I literally just came here to see if this was a feature that already existed and if not, create a request for this same thing! After yesterdays update to the software my Govee lights started working and it’s awesome… but I don’t want them synced all the time. If I’m just doing general stuff in my room I want them disabled (like just white for example) and then activated when I’m gaming and in sync with the profile that I’ve downloaded for a game. I instinctively went to see if I could set it up in the existing macros I have set to run when .exe files start and shutdown to toggle the device but that wasn’t found.

This would be an amazing addition!

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We need to bump this request somehow. I don’t see how this would be a difficult feature to add.

Seems like it might be doable, but I don’t know from the programming standpoint. The night before I replied to you when I found this, I thought I had a way to make it work, but it didn’t. I went to may layouts and saved a layout with the device labeled “Disabled” and the original as “Enabled” - I didn’t change anything to the layout other than disabling the device. Then in my existing Macros for the exe files (For Example - Destiny2.exe) I added a step to set the layout to disabled, but it didn’t work. It seems that the layouts only apply the device locations etc… not the state. So close I think… but seems like something that would need to be implemented.

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Yup I even remember trying that to but to no avail. :cry:

As others, I was literally coming here to suggest the same thing. For example, when I play STO I usually disable my keyboard so I can use the built in RBG schemes. Would be nice to make a macro to automatically do this when I launch the game.



Has this still not been implemented? If I tell Alexa to turn off my Twinkly lights, Signal turns them back on within a minute. There should be an option to turn off all, or selected devices.

Nope I haven’t heard from the devs. They probably got bigger fish to fry.

Came here looking for the same thing. But I’m not sure it needs to be a macro (though exposing device state per device to macros would be great). For me, I could live with a toggle per effect. For instance, I want my Hue bulbs on only in the Screen Ambience effect so they work when playing a game. For every other effect, I’d like them off as a default. Then maybe a macro to toggle them on quickly would be great.

Enable/Disable device is now available in the current beta.

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I had lots of audio issues. Im using Voice Meeter for all my audio needs and connecting all my audio devices… I found out that after uninstalling SignalRGB it resolved my issues… I need the function to stop SignalRGB from using ANY audio source…