Leds of iCUE H100i ELITE CAPELLIX XT are off

My “iCUE H100i ELITE CAPELLIX XT” is correctly working when controlled by iCUE. When controlled by SignalRGB, instead, leds are completely off, both on the pump and on the fans.

The device is recognized by SignalRGB as “CORSAIR iCUE COMMANDER Core”, manifacturer “Corsair”, vendor id 0x1b1c, product id 0x0c32, and all the other leds on my hardware are correctly recognized and working (in RAM, graphic card, motherboard and extra fans attached to the motherboard.) Notice that the capellix is the only device controllable by iCUE only, as the motherboard uses FusionRGB (and so also the extra fans), the RAM can be controlled both by FusionRGB and iCUE, and the graphic card uses Aura, so the problem could be related to iCUE but I’m not sure.

Notice also that no conflicting software was running at the same time, and if I start iCUE the leds light up immediately.

I had a similar ‘disfunction’ with the Elite LCD XT. I found I have to stand on one foot and hold my tongue just right to get it working. I spent way too much time and received way too little assistance from discord for this problem.

All joking aside, I’d add the components and then disable and reenable the Commander Core device under the device settings in Signal before the LEDs would be under control. Note however, that the QL and AF fans inner ring of LEDs are not in the proper order which can be a little odd for smooth animations. Signal just isn’t very good at working witht he Elites

I’ve found SignalRGB support for Corsair products to have gaps (at best). Offhand, I’d guess their dev community has little or no access to certain hardware, so no support was attempted or it doesn’t work properly.

Part of it may also be my situation, which is confusing.

  1. I bought an H150i Elite Capellix XT.
  2. Judging by product images on Corsair’s own site, it shipped with a (non-XT) Commander Core (I have an EXT port instead of a TEMP 2).
  3. SignalRGB’s non-XT plugin (having the same product ID specified by the OP) doesn’t work, but the XT plugin DOES (modded to operate on the relevant product ID, of course); idk if this is because the plugins are swapped and/or bugged or if it has something to do with the Commander Core’s hardware/firmware.

Here’s how I got mine working in SignalRGB; there may be undiscovered issues, but it seems fine so far.
Carefully perform these actions AT YOUR OWN RISK and only if you know how to read Javscript. Always keep a detailed record of which files you’ve touched and keep non-modded backup copies of them (in a safe location outside of SignalRGB directories); I recommend creating folders named for each SignalRGB app-[version] you touch. In all cases, I take no responsibility for the results; I can only speak to my own experiences with SignalRGB, which have yet to cause detrimental effects.

  1. Close SignalRGB.
  2. Go to: %localappdata%\VortxEngine\app-[version]\Signal-x64\Plugins\Corsair\Modern_Corsair.
  3. Backup the non-XT Corsair_Lighting_Commander_Core.js file (note the app-[version] in SignalRGB’s path); this is your non-modded backup.
  4. Overwrite the contents of the localappdata file with the contents of Corsair_Lighting_Commander_Core_XT.js from the same directory.
  • EXCEPT: I did not modify the Name(), VendorId(), or ProductId() functions. Functions can be in different orders, so check both files’ headers for those functions’ locations and don’t accidentally overwrite them in the non-XT file.
  1. Startup SignalRGB and test if that works for you. If it does, go to 6. If not, see the note at the end of this post.
  2. Backup the modded JS file to the same backup directory as above; this is your modded backup.

After a SignalRGB update:

  1. Close SignalRGB.
  2. Backup the latest-installed version of the non-XT Corsair_Lighting_Commander_Core.js (again, note the app-[version] in SignalRGB’s new path).
  3. Compare the contents of your most-recent non-modded back-up of the non-XT file to the contents of the new non-modded backup non-XT file.
    4a) If the non-XT files are different, startup SignalRGB and test the stock file to see if it works for you. If it does, you’re done. If not, shutdown SignalRGB and continue with 4b.
    4b) If the non-XT files are the same, compare the contents of your modded backup to the latest-installed copy of Corsair_Lighting_Commander_Core_XT.js (aside from the 3 functions mentioned earlier).
    5a) If the XT files are otherwise different, you can try re-modding the latest non-XT file with the contents of the latest XT file. Startup SignalRGB and test if that works for you. If it does, go to 6. If not, shutdown SignalRGB and continue with 5b.
    5b) If the XT files are otherwise the same, you can try overwriting the latest non-XT stock JS with your previous modded backup of the non-XT JS. Startup SignalRGB and test if that works for you. If it does, go to 6. If not, shutdown SignalRGB and see the note at the end of this post.
  4. If 5a or 5b worked for you, backup the latest modded non-XT JS file to the new app-[version] directory you created just after SignalRGB was updated.

I also wrote my own components for my Corsair pump and AF-series RGB Elite fans, but I can’t upload them here. Theoretically, they aren’t strictly necessary, anyway. It seems any component offering a sufficient LED count will work.
When adding components for multiple fans, the correct LED count is helpful for determining where 1 fan ends and another begins. The Commander Core allots 34 LEDs per fan (up to 6 fans/204 LEDs) regardless of whether or not a fan is actually connected to a particular physical RGB port.

  • The fan recognizes LEDs up to the number it actually has, then ignores the rest of the data sent to it. (my component recognizes the first 8 LEDs then labels the remaining 26 as unused.)
  • If you skip any RGB ports when connecting fans, you’ll need to add a component for the skipped port in order to work with later fans. (I connected 3 fans to ports 1,2,4, so I added 4 of my 34-LED fan components and didn’t setup the 3rd.)
  • My Elite Capellix pump recognizes 29 LEDs. I don’t know if that would change if I swapped to the spare faceplate they shipped with it.
  • Components are stored here: %localappdata%\VortxEngine\app-[version]\Signal-x64\Components\Corsair

If at any point something doesn’t work or you experience strange behavior, and you kept backups of the latest non-modded SignalRGB files, you can easily restore SignalRGB back to stock functionality by shutting it down and overwriting the files you touched with their non-modded backup copies. If you don’t have backups, you may have to uninstall/reinstall SignalRGB altogether, so I highly recommend using backups.