I created a Home Assistant integration for SignalRGB (pro only)! With this integration, your system will become a light entity in HASS. So far you can turn the system on/off and select effects (vote for this feature request if you want more features, the current API provided by SignalRGB is limited)
It’s not on HACS yet but you can easily add it as a custom repository. Check out the README for instructions.
Coming soon: A custom Lovelace widget for the integration
Love this, nice work - I was wondering when it’d happen.
Some of the popular api features (and useful ones) are pro only, but would be extra useful in HA. (CPU load, memload, temperatures, etc etc)
I don’t think we push system monitoring via API yet, but we can do that relatively easily. I noticed that you’ve got a separate wishlist on another page, I’ll take a look. We’ve recently moved to a more robust rest api internally, so that’s why options are a bit limited.
Yeah, Adding an endpoint for system monitoring stuff should be straightforward. I’ll add it to my short list assuming Matt doesn’t beat me to it.
I’ll make a note to expose the effect property labels too. ‘BgColor’ and ‘SpeedRaw’ aren’t great user-facing names once you leave the API. Given the API is still marked as unstable I’ll take the opportunity to replace the current value with an object with a name and value field as a heads-up. This means I won’t have to risk a breaking change again later if something else needs to be added.
@Heal-Bot I got a FR asking for individual device control support (enable/disable, brightness, whatever else) and I think that would be an awesome addition, especially for automation! Would love to see this in the API!!
Forgive me as I am reasonably new to this…but I CANNOT find the “Settings, General” area in SignalRGB to enable the API. It just doesn’t exist anywhere! I can’t find it in any menu i’ve checked! Am I missing something? Pro Version 2.4.37 and enrolled in beta updates. Thanks all!