System is Asus Prime Z490A MB - Aio pump lugged into USB2 port on MB. Before stopping ICUE software and installing SignalRGB was able to control dual led rings of pump. After removing ICUE and installing SignalRGB - it was detected as a corsair controller with a XD5 CPU water block. Their has NEVER been a corsair controller in this build. just the H100i plugged directly to mb USB 2.0 port (and of course the sata power and two fans (not RGB). How can I remove the incorrectly detected hardware and “install” or add the correct hardware for this pump? It has 16 LEDs 4 in center and 3 on each outer side.
@longmire Can you post your Product ID from this page ?
@TheDordo Something you can do on this device?
Sorry for my misidentification it is a H115IRGBPROXT (280mmaio) Vendor ID 0x1b1c Product ID 0x0c21 Plugin PlatinumProXTEliteAIO.js