H61E5 Cob Strip lights and the RGBIC strip lights not showing in govee plugin

I have the Govee H61E5 lights AKA the Cob Strips now they were showing up and working for a bit but now they can’t even be found.

I’ve gone through and have done basic trouble shooting from power cycles to more advanced stuff like my pfsense firewall. I can tell you multicast is working seems signal RGB will find the lights as a protected mcast address when they are in use by the govee desktop app obviously it must not be running for srgb to be able to reach them.

But with the lights free and not in use by anything it seems the govee plugin does not find the lights ast all and secondly manual IP does not work either.

Hmm upon looking at my firewall logs. I see Signal RGB is flooding my firewall with IPv6 mcast packets.

And yes the lights are on the same vlan and subnet as sigrgb im going to try and disable ipv6 on my pc and see what hjappens I will update you

PS. I’ve gone through the govee API Documentaiton.

Ok so I’ve gone ahead and disabled the IPv6 Components on my windows network adapter. and restarted sigrgb hjere we have this.

So now I shall try to disable some deeper ipv6 components of the windows OS to see if this fixes the problem

Wait I jumped the gun I did get progress just disabling ipv6 on the network adapter. look

so still to no avail even with manual ip being entered infact any manual ip says the same thing “socket connected” no real way to tell any difference there.

so i need help with this