Gigabyte RTX 4070 detected but not controlled

My GPU seems to be detected but not showing in devices.

Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
Device ID: 0x2786
Sub ID: 0x412b

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Hi ! What’s your card model precisely ?

In the “Gigabyte Vision GPU.js” file located at “C:\Users[…]\AppData\Local\VortxEngine\app-2.3.87\Signal-x64\Plugins\GigaByte” you have between the line 380-408 all the Subdevice id for detecting the card ; you should add your id under the correct name (for clarity).

I’m not a specialist but i managed to get my GPU working with this method.

You have also a plugins folder located at “C:\Users[…]\Documents\WhirlwindFX\Plugins” (for modified plugins) but when i put the file in this folder the software does not load it, so i modified the original one

Example if you have an “aero” model :

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@p1ka27 place the attachment in Plugins folder: and restart SignalRGB to see if it fix. I’ll wait for feedback.

Gigabyte_Master_GPU.js (31.8 KB)