Hello! I know that there was a similar post about the XT headset not functioning, and I did see the fix that included the beta update – however, this has not really seemed to work for me. I’m enrolled in the beta, have completely closed iCue, etc., however, this issue still persists. I’m getting a similar error message as the XT post:
[Tue Dec 12 20:41:12 2023] Error - Error: device.write(): HID handle is invalid, confirm that the protocol type selected is HID.
I saw in a different post for a very different device that the customer support gave them a file to put into their plugins folder – I was wondering if that would help? And if so, where would I find it? I haven’t been able to search for it nor find it online so far. Additionally, the headset seems to be defaulting to white when iCue is closed, yet I cannot change the color from there. Thank you!