Corsair Scimitar Elite Wireless

Hey all - I recently purchased this mouse, and I’m not sure if I’m issues with the device itself or a conflict between iCue and Signalrgb. FWIW, I also got a Corsair keyboard at the same time that was basically plug and play with Signal. I’ve figured out a workaround for that, but the mouse… I’m stuck. When Signal can see it, and it doesn’t always, none of the controls work. No lighting, doesn’t respond forced lighting, won’t let me paint it, etc. despite the fact that all other indications are that Signal thinks it’s there. The thing that makes me thing it might be a device issue is that the onboard memory profiles aren’t working either. I save them, they save correctly, but the second iCue closes the mouse basically bricks. All the macros die, lighting dies, etc. This feels like either a firmware issue, but I’m not seeing a ton of other people with those same problem, so I’m just not sure.

Any thoughts?