When I first start my pc, everything runs right for a while, or sometimes atleast… the visualizer does what it’s supposed to and then when the music stops or there’s silence for more than a second or two, the visualizer picks up this consistent noise that isn’t being output by any apps I can see in my mixer and nothing that I can hear. It just seems to produce its own frequency within itself and it registers on the visualizer kicking on my lights when there’s silence. But as soon as the audio comes back on, it’s working perfectly, it’s just when there’s silence the lights randomly just start running from the visualizer picking up nonexistent audio. Can this be stopped? I want it to be dark when it’s silent, not lighting up on its own after a second of silence.
Edit: It seems to be doing this pretty randomly, sometimes it stops misbehaving after closing an application, sometimes restarting it works, sometimes opening apps fixes it, but it doesnt stay fixed.