Calibration of white point in SRGBmods LED Controller v1

Hi All, thanks for the tutorial LED Controller v1, I have successfully set this up but having issues trying to modify the pi pico’s code to have calibration within, I added the following hoping to overwrite the colors but there are no changes. Can help to point out what’s wrong with my approach? It compiles fine but the blueish tint is still the same, even if i set drastic values for the calibration.

// Add these calibration factors at the beginning of your code
// Adjust these values to fine-tune the colors
float redCalibration = 1.0;   // Adjust red intensity (e.g., 0.9 if too bright)
float greenCalibration = 1.0; // Adjust green intensity
float blueCalibration = 1.0;  // Adjust blue intensity (e.g., 0.8 if too dominant)
unsigned int setRGBbrightness(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte brightness)
    // Apply calibration factors to each color
    r = (r * redCalibration);  
    g = (g * greenCalibration); 
    b = (b * blueCalibration);

    // Adjust brightness
    r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
    g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
    b = (b * brightness) >> 8;

    // Return the 24-bit color value
    return (((unsigned int)r & 0xFF) << 16 | ((unsigned int)g & 0xFF) << 8 | ((unsigned int)b & 0xFF));