Asus ROG Strix Scope NX Deluxe Wireless not supported (Solved and file in the post)

I have purchased the “ASUS ROG STRIX SCOPE NX DELUXE WIRELESS” keyboard.
Unfortunately it is not recognised by signal rgb pro.
Is there a solution?
Sorry if I’m in the wrong place, I’m new.

If you need USB data, don’t hesitate to ask, although I don’t know how to make a USB capture, but I can learn quickly ^^.

The product ID 0x19f6 is for the keyboard in wired mode and the second 0x19f8 appears when I plug in the wireless adapter

PS: In my case, I use it wired but I also have the wireless adapter.

Well, I’ve worked out how it works, I’ve edited the .JS file and put it in the Signal-RGB plugins directory and it works ^^.

The file:


Device added 2.3.X - ASUS - Scope NX Deluxe (!582) · Merge requests · SignalRgb / Signal Plugins · GitLab

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