Alphacool connected to ASUS board

Hi, trying out SignalRGB for the first time, just setting up the system. Am being asked to configure which devices are connected to my ASUS X670 Hero board’s controller.

These devices are:

  • Alphacool Eisbaer pro Aurora 360
  • Alphacool Rise Aurora 120 RGB fans (daisy-chained)
  • Front LED Strip on Lian Li O11Dynamic XL

I cannot find either of these devices in the list offered by SignalRGB.

Any hint on what I should configure for these connected devices, please? They are all working with ASUS Armory Crate, but I’d like to get rid of that piece of software.

I tried the Lian Li O11 Dynamic Evo front LED stripe for the LED stripe, but this leaves the upper 10% of the stripe dark.



When you’re adding the components that are connected to controllers headers you can use the custom strip option at the top of the list of premades to define your own LED counts, this part of the relevant tutorial focuses on a method to get the numer of LEDs on a component when we don’t know because the manufacturer doesn’t document that piece of information. That’s good for straight strips.

When we need more complex shapes for our custom components, the easiest way is using component generator.

For a more in-depth look on components, take a look at the available developer documentation abount components.

Thanks, got it to work with counting LEDs for the front strip (28), and by just choosing Arctic Bionix P120 ARGB instead of the Alphacool fans. (Just putting this in here in case somebody else should have a similar issue.)

If those fans have the same number of leds, arranged in a similar way, that’ll work

unless the mapping isn’t exactily right and you need to rotate them in Layouts to get it juuuust right :rofl:

Don’t give me ideas! :wink: