2.4.0 Update Broke Logitech "PRO Gaming Keyboard" Support

Using a YU0039 Logitech PRO Gaming Keyboard, everything worked perfectly with SignalRGB until I installed the update. I’m not sure what version I was on previously. The changelog shows several versions between 6/10/24 and now, however I don’t recall getting prompted to update, so I’m uncertain if I was on 2.3.90, 2.3.94, or newer. as I installed it either 7/1 or 7/2.

Unsure what happened, everything was perfect previously, then as soon as the update installed, 0 control of the lights, it just blacks it out whenever SignalRGB starts up. I tried moving the layout, tried rebooting, restarting SignalRGB by itself. No matter what, just blacks it out. Keyboard lighting is fine, using the built in rainbow defaults works, but I paid for Signal RGB Pro based on how well it works. And right now it’s doing next to nothing. Would appreciate any advice to get it working, or at least info that it’s a known issue with an ETA to fix.

Update: I reinstalled an older version from 7/3, the original version I installed and still had the installer around, and the keyboard works correctly with it. Obviously the fix doesn’t hold because it auto updates. I believe I was on a version newer than that previously, because the layout panel seems kind of broken in that build and was otherwise working fine, but I can’t find a way to download specific versions to test them. Bottom line is, the 7/3/24 build is confirmed to work with the keyboard under Windows Dynamic Lighting, and it just goes dark with the 2.4.0 update. It seems safe to say 2.4.0 broke something for the Logitech Pro Gaming Keyboard devices.

SECOND Update: If I install the older build from 7/3/24, get the keyboard working right and then restart Signal from the tray menu, or by clicking the restart button when it pops up for the update, the keyboard will black out. However if I click the “Update ready” button at the bottom of the Signal UI, the keyboard continues working properly with the new 2.4.0 version, including being able to move the layout on it with the new interface. Until I restart Signal or reboot. So this seems to be a problem with the application STARTUP with the 2.4.0 version, or possibly a difference between a restart and clicking the “update ready” button at the bottom of the UI not unloading the old (good) plugin, while a full restart loads the new (bad) plugin.

Note that the Inspection panel does not show a plugin by name. In the old version this device shows up as Windows Dynamic Lighting, the new UI shows no similar indicators.

Also note in both versions, Windows Dynamic is set to have Signal take the background lead. Note that the lights turn BLUE when Windows Dynamic has focus. With the old version the lights to back to the pattern when Windows Dynamic loses focus, and with the 2.4.0 build it goes back to OFF/Black.

This support forum seems to have few replies to most posts, so I’m not holding my breath for a resolution, but I must say as a paying premium customer now, having my main device go dark a week or two after finally subscribing and seeing a mostly ignored support forum isn’t making me feel good about subscribing. New UIs are nice, fancy audio and game theme features are nice, but the basics of having devices work correctly and not have working devices randomly get broken by updates with no option to turn off auto updates or roll back to specific versions is much more important.

Appreciate the report - investigating this.

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Hey! I busted this trying to make SignalRGB go fast right before releasing 2.4.0 and forgot that 2 + 2 is 4. The fix should be out later today.

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That’s fantastic news, this didn’t look like the most attended support forum, but I’m super glad to see you guys are on top of it!

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2.4.1 patch that corrects this is live.

Confirmed it’s working. Thanks for looking at that and resolving it so fast!

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