Support device NVIDIA Aorus Master 4070 12GB

Hey HarDBR,

i solved the problem while using your .js file in Support for Gigabyte RTX 4070 Super - #2 by skynsanyty.

How I fixed it was:

  1. I opened in Visual Studio Code
  2. I added new instance in the class GigabyteVisionDeviceIds with this.RTX4070S_12G = 0x4137;
  3. I added new instance in the class GigabyteVisionGPuList with new GigabyteVisionIdentifier(Nvidia.RTX4070S, GigabyteVisionIds.RTX4070S_12G, 0x71, "GIGABYTE 4070 Super OC"),

Mostly every graphic card may be integrated while using HarDBR’s plugin code!

Now it works fine!!!

Anyway thank you for your patience